
Big time efficiency

With the AT-602, you can do a thousand acres in the morning, save three loads over a smaller plane, and still have plenty of daylight for more jobs.


Wide swath. Fast ferry times. Big payloads. It’s easy to see why the AT-602 is a hard-working favorite of ag operators. Its 630-gallon (2.385 L) hopper and 12,500 lb. (5.670 kg) gross weight make the AT-602 a logical next step with you need to turn your operation’s productivity up another profitable notch. It’s big, but in the pilot’s seat, you’ll find the AT-602 is surprisingly light on the controls, with a spacious and functional layout and a host of pilot comforts.

AT-602 Specifications

Engine Type
Engine SHP
750 @ 2,200 RPM
Hartzell HC-B3TN-3D/T10282NS+4
Take-off Weight
9,600 lbs (4.354 kg)
Landing Weight
8,000 lbs (3.629 kg)
Empty Weight with Spray Equipment
4,768 lbs (2.163 kg)
Useful Load
4,740 lbs (2.150 kg)
Hopper Capacity
485 US gal (1.836 L)
Fuel Capacity
216 US gal (818 L)
Wing Span
52 ft (15,84 m)
Wing Area
312 sq ft (29,01 m²)
Main Wheel Size
29.00 x 11-10
Tail Wheel Size
5.00 x 5

AT-602 Performance

Cruise Speed at 8,000 ft (2.438 m)
151 mph (131 kts)
Working Speed (Typical)
120-145 mph (104-126 kts)
Range - Economy Cruise at 8,000 ft (2.438 m)
608 mi (978 km)
Stall Speed - Flaps Up
75 mph (65 kts) at 8,000 lbs (3.629 kg)
Stall Speed - Flaps Down
65 mph (56 kts) at 8,000 lbs (3.629 kg)
Stall Speed as Usually Landed
53 mph (46 kts)
Rate of Climb
860 fpm at 9,600 lbs (4.354 kg)
Take-off Distance
1,150 ft at 9,600 lbs (4.354 kg)

AT-602 Dimensional Drawings

AT-602: Dimensional Drawings